Where: Waterville Brewing (Hathaway Creative Center, Waterville, Maine) When: October 24, 2021 from 11am-2pm What: Cornhole Tournament Cost: $10 per team! We will also have our 50/50 tickets from the business to Business to Business Showcase available to purchase. Everything we raise will go towards our two clubs’ contributions to Polio Plus and will be matched 2 to 1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
World Polio Day 2021
Samantha Burdick
2021-10-19 04:00:00Z |
Community,End Polio Now,Polio,Polio Plus |
You are invited to join us at the following link.
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/594485549
Meeting ID: 594 485 549
One tap mobile +16465588656,,594485549#
Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 594 485 549 Need to learn how to use ZOOM Please click READ MORE below, for a short 2 min video on using Zoom
Sunrise Rotary's Thursday Zoom Meeting
2020-04-07 04:00:00Z |
ZOOM Meeting
Randy Phair
2020-04-05 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 25, 2020
Rotary's motto is "Service above Self." And we are all wondering how that translates with social distancing as the new norm. In light of the Governor's recent Business Restrictions we have found ways to participate as a Rotarian: First is that we will be holding all meetings in the near future using Zoom software to meet online. Waterville Sunrise has been invited to join the Waterville Noon Rotary Club's VOOM meetings. We will be sending invitations to Club Members about Monday VOOM meetings in a separate emails. Second, if you feel comfortable doing so, please volunteer at something, bearing in mind the need for social distancing. - Meals on Wheels still needs help with both packers and drivers.
- The UU Church is still offering its Evening sandwich program Monday thru Friday 1-5, and could use help preparing the meals (call Larry Dickey at 313-2910).
- The Homeless Shelter also needs help with donations of some supplies. Check out just what at http://www.shelterme.org/. They will also be grateful for money.
- Oakland Cares Program - A meal program to ensure elderly and home bound residents are being fed during the coronavirus pandemic. To order or volunteer call Eric Seekins at the Oakland Town Office 207 465-7357 Check out Oakland launches meal program for more info.
- On the remarkable volunteering side:
- Waterville Winslow and Vassalboro school staff and teachers are preparing lunches that are then delivered all around on school buses!
- Alfond Youth and Commuity Center is preparing 1000 meals per day for distribution!
Third: We have asked Kelly Rodrick to continue sharing ways via email on how our club can help.
Coronavirus and Service Above Self
Cliff Hannon
2020-03-25 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 25, 2019
Thursday April 25th. The Waterville Sunrise Rotary Club is please to Welcome Our Newest Members Sebastian Karla Stratton Michelle Theriault COLBY COLLEGE Maine Academy Good Will-Hinckley Student of Natural Sciences Marketing & Development Education
New Members
Cliff Hannon
2019-04-25 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 17, 2019
Thursday January 17th. 7:41.04 Eastern Time Zone Samantha “SAM” Burdick Newest Rotarian in the world. The Waterville Sunrise Rotary Club is please to introduce our newest member. Samantha “SAM” Burdick, Resource Development Director at the United Way of Mid-Maine.
Mew Member
Cliff Hannon
2019-01-17 05:00:00Z |
Club Visit
2018-10-16 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 16, 2018
2018-08-16 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 27, 2018
Oakfest Parade
Cliff Hannon
2018-07-27 04:00:00Z |
Inspirational Youth Exchange Speakers at President Elect Training
President Elect Training
2018-03-19 04:00:00Z |
Kayak For Safe Passage Kids: Maine to Guatemala
Cliff Hannon
2014-08-14 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Timothy Lecrone on Sep 19, 2013
Honoring Mary Morrison, PHF
with guest speaker
Anne Lee Hussey
Past District Governor of 7780, Recipient of Rotary International’s highest individual honor, The Service Above Self Award,
Polio Survivor and A White House Champion of Change in 2012
at the Waterville Country Club, October 10th
5:30 Social Hour Dinner and Award Presentation
$25.00 per person
Please R.S.V.P by Sept 30th to
2013 Bob Stevenson Service Above Self Award Night
Timothy Lecrone
2013-09-19 09:30:32Z |
Posted by Jim Delorie on Dec 29, 2010
A $500 donation was presented to the Mid Maine Homeless Shelter at the 12/30/2010 meeting. This is part of the money that was raised during Sunrise Rotary's Annual Mini Golf Tournament. 
Mid Maine Homeless Shelter
Jim Delorie
2010-12-30 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Cliff Hannon on Jun 16, 2010
Up Date on the $255 million Bill Gates - Polio Grant Challenge
Cliff Hannon
2010-06-17 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Theresa Macklin on Jun 05, 2010
Jessica Conti of Messalonskee High School is the 2010 College Scholarship Recipient
2010 Scholarship Recipient
Theresa Macklin
2010-06-06 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Theresa Macklin on Jul 26, 2009
Anita Diaz Parma from Argentina has been selected to be the 2009-2010 Rotary Exchange Student
Youth Exchange
Theresa Macklin
2009-07-27 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Timothy Lecrone
Don't miss the upcoming2013 Bob Stevenson Service Above Self Award Night
Honoring Mary Morrison, PHF
with guest speaker
Anne Lee Hussey
Past District Governor of 7780, Recipient of Rotary International’s highest individual honor, The Service Above Self Award,
Polio Survivor and A White House Champion of Change in 2012
at the Waterville Country Club, October 10th
5:30 Social Hour Dinner and Award Presentation
$25.00 per person
Please R.S.V.P by Sept 30th to
2013 Bob Stevenson Service Above Self Award Night
Timothy Lecrone
Posted by Jim Delorie
Mini golf was once again a great event! Thank you to all who participated and assisted with the event!
5th Annual Mini Golf Tournament
Jim Delorie
Posted by Jim Delorie
Robert Stevenson "Service Above Self" awards dinner & our 10th Anniversary celebration dinner
SAVE THE DATE!! Thursday October 4th at the Waterville Country Club
More information to Follow!
Robert Stevenson "Service Above Self" awards dinner & our 10th Anniversary celebration dinner
Jim Delorie
Posted by Jim Delorie
Waterville Sunrise Rotary Club
 Polina Has Arrived !!!
Fall 2011 Youth Exchange
The youth we will be hosting is 17 years old and her home is in southern
Siberia, Russia
Her Interests:
For more information, please contact Nancy Findlan; home 495-2362,
cell 873-8937, email: nfindlan@roadrunner.com
2011-12 Rotary Youth Exchange
Jim Delorie
Posted by Jim Delorie
Spring Rotarian projects:
Make sure that your Sustaining Paul Harris contributions are on your mind. Dead line to count for this year is March 31st
Russian Theme dinner on April 12th with our exchange student Polina
Cathy bond is putting together our annual $1000 Scholarship applications, to be sent to each of the local high schools with hopes that they will each submit a single candidate. From these Candidates we will choose a single awardee.
May 12th is the Waterville noon Rotaries annual Spring Fling and Auction at Jim Julia’s Auctioneers. It’s time to start thinking about donations for the auction.
And lastly our Mini golf Tournament is coming right up, plans are starting to form for another successful year.
Find us on Facebook at Waterville Sunrise Rotary
Spring Events
Jim Delorie
Posted by Jim Delorie
Happy Holiday
Jim Delorie
Posted by Jim Delorie
As the holidays approach, we
as Rotarians don't kick back and relax; we reach out and do more. Here are a few upcoming
Service events our club takes part in On November 15th we will be
packing boxes for Maine Children’s home. If you have something to donate just
bring it in to our next November meeting and we will see to it that they get
it. On November 16th we have the
Alfond Center Thanksgiving Dinner which generally runs from 4:00pm to 7:00pm On November 25th, we have the
Holiday Parade down Main St. Anyone interested in helping please contact Cliff
for this event. On December 14th we have the
Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army. We would like to have as many people
participate as possible and would ask that you sign up for a one hour shift.
Up Coming Service Projects
Jim Delorie
Posted by Jim Delorie
Our meeting
this week is our annual meeting with our District Governor. This year’s
District Governor is Deb Walters (of Unity), and she will also be joining us immediately
following our normal meeting for a board meeting. All members are invited to stay and join us for the
board meeting.
Our Board
would like to encourage everyone who can, to arrive promptly for 7:15 this
week. Also it is encouraged that you wear your rotary pin and Paul Harris
Fellowship Pin if you have one.
See you all
in the morning
District Governer's Visit
Jim Delorie
Posted by Jim Delorie
The Date for our first awards dinner will be September 16th 2011, and the Waterville Country Club. Time and Cost per plateTBA. We are still in the proccess of Selecting a critieria or Mission statemant for the award. I would like to incoperate the 4 ways test in to this. Any one who would like to be on the Selection committee for this award please email Jim Delorie. A meeting is expected for next week to start the process. If you feel you know some one who is deserving of this award please bring that name forward. This should prove to be a great night and wonderful award.
Bob Stevenson Annual Service Above Self Award
Jim Delorie