Thursday January 17th. 7:41.04 Eastern Time Zone
Samantha “SAM” Burdick
Newest Rotarian in the world.

The Waterville Sunrise Rotary Club is please to introduce our newest member. Samantha “SAM” Burdick, Resource Development Director at the United Way of Mid-Maine.
“SAM” joined our club on Thursday the 17th. Sam has already worked on several Sunrise projects and will be a great addition to the club. She served as a integral part of our Mini - Golf Tournament committee and has agreed to help our membership committee. She is excited to helps us grow and bring in more younger members. Sam's mother (Kelly) filled in for her sponsor, Lisa Riportella who was unable to attend, as she was presented her certificate of membership by club president Cliff Hannon.
If you see Sam please congratulate her on becoming the newest Rotarian
We are excited to have her join our ranks.