Home Page Stories

Where: Waterville Brewing (Hathaway Creative Center, Waterville, Maine)

When: October 24, 2021 from 11am-2pm

What: Cornhole Tournament

Cost: $10 per team!

We will also have our 50/50 tickets from the business to Business to Business Showcase available to purchase. 

Everything we raise will go towards our two clubs’ contributions to Polio Plus and will be matched 2 to 1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

It is that time of year again!

Waterville Sunrise Rotary is looking for graduating students in the Waterville area for our scholarship!

Do you know any seniors starting college in the Fall who could benefit from additional financial assistance?

Please share the application information below with any exceptional young people in the area who actively contribute to our community.  We want to recognize one of these students and help them as they continue to make our world a better place.

This year’s theme is “Rotary Opens Opportunities,” and we want to know how people are Opening Opportunities for those around them, and around the world.  

We look forward to reading those applications!

Scholarship Application 

The deadline for this scholarship is JUNE 15, 2021!!

Thanks for sharing!


Rotary's motto is "Service above Self." And we are all wondering how that translates with social distancing as the new norm. In light of the Governor's recent Business Restrictions we have found ways to participate as a Rotarian:
First is that we will be holding all meetings in the near future using Zoom software to meet online. Waterville Sunrise has been invited to join  the Waterville Noon Rotary Club's VOOM meetings. We will be sending invitations to Club Members about Monday VOOM meetings in a separate emails.
Second, if you feel comfortable doing so, please volunteer at something, bearing in mind the need for social distancing.
  • Meals on Wheels still needs help with both packers and drivers.
  • The UU Church is still offering its Evening sandwich program Monday thru Friday 1-5, and could use help preparing the meals (call Larry Dickey at 313-2910).
  • The Homeless Shelter also needs help with donations of some supplies. Check out just what at http://www.shelterme.org/. They will also be grateful for money. 
  • Oakland Cares Program - A meal program to ensure elderly and home bound residents are being fed during the coronavirus pandemic. To order or volunteer call Eric Seekins at the Oakland Town Office 207 465-7357  Check out Oakland launches meal program for more info.
  • On the remarkable volunteering side:
    • Waterville Winslow and Vassalboro school staff and teachers are preparing lunches that are then delivered all around on school buses! 
    • Alfond Youth and Commuity Center is preparing 1000 meals per day for distribution! 
Third: We have asked Kelly Rodrick to continue sharing ways via email on how our club can help. 
Thursday April 25th.  
The Waterville Sunrise Rotary Club is please to Welcome Our Newest Members
          Sebastian                     Karla Stratton              Michelle Theriault 
   COLBY COLLEGE           Maine Academy          Good Will-Hinckley
          Student             of Natural Sciences  Marketing & Development
Thursday January 17th.  7:41.04  Eastern Time Zone
Samantha “SAM” Burdick
Newest Rotarian in the world.
The Waterville Sunrise Rotary Club is please to introduce our newest member. Samantha “SAM” Burdick, Resource Development Director at the United Way of Mid-Maine.
Together we can accomplish more than we can separately
Together we can do more than we can individually
Waterville Sunrise

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 7:15 AM
Thomas College
Span Student Commons
Berry Dun Student Senate Room
Waterville, ME 04901
United States of America
(207) 861-2001
(207) 877-9783
Our meeting are currently being offered live and via Zoom. Please be patient as some weeks it takes 5 minutes to get Zoom up and running. For the zoom link please email wtvlrotary@gmail.com. Park on side of the building. Do Not Block Garage Doors.
Club Executives & Directors
Community Service
Rotary Foundation
Public Relations
Immediate Past President
Executive Secretary/Director